


Add my button :D that'd be really cool!


Velvet Blue

welcome to my site! - follow me here

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#00 Midnight Echoes

Hey, thanks for dropping by! You can call me Shutten. I'm somewhat new to programming web stuff, but I'm really interested in continuing to do so. As a kid I used to browse random websites, and because of that, I always had this itch to create something that captures that feeling I had when I was younger.

This site will be on continous progress forever i'd say, so please be patient! i'll try to update at leat once a week.

Site updates

06/25/24: Almost done with about page. you can now check it if you want!

06/24/24: Added the lastFM API script thanks to max.nekoweb. Working on a about and diary page!

06/20/24: Finishing the basic stuff so i can already update it on neocities

06/19/24: Fixed some errors on the site

06/18/24: Finishing the index